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Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – A light in the dark

Deep in the dark ocean we go for Day 4 of the Microbial Advent Calendar! Where the anglerfish lure prey with their bioluminescent headlight organ at the end of a modified fin! And you guessed right this organ houses a bunch of bacteria who generate the light! You find many…
December 5, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – Being its own apothecary

For day 3 of the Microbial Advent Calendar, let's have a look at the Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum). Neither a bee nor a wolf, it is, in fact, a predatory wasp that actually hunts bees. Although the adult does not feed on bees, but on plant nectar, the females hunt bees…
December 4, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – Non Mainstream dividing

The second day of the Microbial Advent Calendar and today we have a sneak peak into the incredible world of nematodes associated with bacteria. There is an incredible diversity of host-associated systems in the nematode realm, today we a have a look at Laxus oneistus. This worm looks like, when you…
December 2, 2018

Illustration selected for a Book of abstract

Recently was the Department retreat of my new (relatively, I have already been there six months, time fly...) institution. As a short summary, I am currently a Postdoctoral Associate in the Samuel Lab within the Baylor College of Medicine. The Samuel Lab belongs to the Molecular Virology and Microbiology (MVM)…
October 12, 2018

[Monday’s Paper] A Microbial social network

Hello Folks, it's been a while since I posted here. Plenty of things have happened since my previous Japan posts. The main one being the new postdoc position I started this March in the lab of Buck Samuel at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Reducing your life to…
April 2, 2018
FunTraveling Bacteria

[The traveling bacteria] Brewing Sake

Sake is probably one of the most iconic Japanese alcohols. It is referred to as rice wine, but unlike wine where the sugar present in the grapes is fermented into alcohols, sake is produced in a process closer to beer brewing where the starch present in the rice is transformed…
January 25, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar – A review

Now that I can move my neck properly again it's time to have a look back on my Microbial Advent Calendar attempt. The exercise was to produce a small blog post a day, for 24 days, about a cool microbiology fact/paper related anywhere from close to pretty far from the…
January 3, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar – 21 Cheesy Bacteria

Yes! I made that pun! As a Frenchmen abroad I wonder why it took me so long to come up with today's theme for the Microbial Advent Calendar. For day 21 we look at the rightfully placed fascination of scientists with cheese and their associated microorganisms. There is so much…
December 21, 2017