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Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – Worm Model

This will be the last Microbial Advent Calendar of the season. Today we will in the most biased way, highlight one of the best host-microbe association models we can currently work with. I am talking about the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This is a fascinating system, both by its history and its ease…
December 22, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – House of Mussel

After a short break, we stay in the deep sea with another fascinating symbiotic system. For this Microbial Advent Calendar weekend, we have a look at the bathymodiolin mussels! I personally worked with those mussels during my Ph.D. and they keep on fascinating me as an organism capable of establishing so many…
December 17, 2018